Aplix Cloth Diapers vs. Snaps Cloth Diapers: Which is Better?

Aplix Cloth Diapers vs. Snaps Cloth Diapers: Which is Better?

If you’re embarking on the journey of cloth diapering, you’ll likely encounter the age-old debate: Aplix vs  Snaps cloth diapers : which is better?  This discussion has genuine followers on both sides, each touting the virtues of their preferred closure method. To help you navigate this decision, let’s delve into the details and weigh the pros and cons of Aplix and Snaps.

What is Aplix?

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Aplix is essentially the hook-and-loop closure system used in cloth diapers. It’s often termed velcro, but due to trademark regulations, diaper manufacturers employ the name Aplix instead. It’s crucial to note that different brands use varying qualities of Aplix, leading to differences in performance and durability.

 Cloth diapers  having Snaps

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  • Snap closures last longer than Aplix, making them suitable for multiple children.
  • Security: Snaps are more secure, preventing toddlers from quickly undoing the diaper.
  • No need to fold tabs to avoid damage in the wash.
  • Cute colored snaps are visually appealing.
  • Durable and long-lasting.


  • Getting a perfect fit between snaps can sometimes be challenging.
  • Hard to put on at night when tired.
  • Difficult to get a good fit for babies between sizes.
  • It is hard to put on with a struggling toddler.

Cloth diapers having Aplix


  •  Aplix closures offer faster and more convenient diaper changes, resembling the feel of disposable diapers.
  • Easier to fasten at night when tired
  • More convenient for caregivers unfamiliar with cloth diapers
  • Allows for a more customized fit
  • Easier to use with squirmy toddlers


  •  Aplix tends to wear out quicker than snaps, requiring replacement or maintenance.
  • Closure can wear out over time
  • Not as cute as colored snaps
  • It may be easier for babies to remove as they get older.

More about Aplix vs Snaps 

Ease of Use

Aplix takes the lead in terms of ease, making diaper changes quicker, particularly for newborns. Its design allows for swift adjustments, a factor especially appreciated by new parents or caregivers transitioning from disposables.


When considering longevity, snaps are the clear winner. Aplix tends to attract lint and lose its stickiness over time, impacting its overall longevity. Snaps, on the other hand, maintain their functionality and appearance, enduring numerous washes without a significant decline in performance.


Aplix offers a more customizable fit, ideal for tiny newborns or infants requiring precision adjustments. Snaps, however, have limitations in adjustment space, occasionally making it challenging to find the perfect fit, especially for babies between snap placements.

Staying Power

In the battle against little escapologists, snaps emerge victorious. They prevent curious babies from undressing themselves, ensuring a more secure diapering experience compared to Aplix closures.


Aplix closures, though convenient, require extra care during laundry to avoid snagging on other items. Neglecting to secure the Aplix tabs with laundry tabs can lead to wear and tear. Snaps, on the other hand, are hassle-free during washing.

Resale Value

Due to their superior durability, diapers with snaps generally have a higher resale value compared to those with Aplix closures.

Ultimately, the choice between Aplix and Snaps depends on your family’s needs, lifestyle, and personal preferences. While Aplix offers convenience, Snaps boast durability. Many families opt for a mix of both closures to meet their diverse diapering needs.


What are the snaps called on cloth diapers?

The snaps on cloth diapers have various names based on their placement and function. The snaps at each end of the wings are known as wing snaps, securing the diaper around the child. The snaps facing outward are called dirty snaps and are used when rolling up a soiled diaper. The snaps closest to the back on each side are referred to as hip snaps.

Why do cloth diapers have so many snaps?

Cloth diapers often feature multiple snaps to ensure a secure and customizable fit for babies of different sizes and shapes. These snaps help prevent leaks and maintain a snug, comfortable fit, accommodating various stages of a baby’s growth.

Which cloth diapers last the longest?

The longevity of cloth diapers can vary based on their quality, materials, and care. Generally, diapers with high-quality fabrics, durable snaps, and excellent stitching tend to last longer. However, specific brands like bumGenius Original 5.0, GroVia Hybrid, Gerber Pre fold Premium 6-ply, and Thirsties Duo Wrap are known for their durability and lasting performance.

What diaper brand is better?

The choice of the best diaper brand depends on personal preferences and specific needs. However, some reputable brands in the cloth diaper market include bumGenius, GroVia, Gerber, and Thirsties. Each brand offers unique features, styles, and materials, allowing parents to select based on their preferences and their baby’s comfort.

Which company diaper is best for the baby?

Selecting the best diaper company for a baby involves considering factors like absorbency, fit, comfort, and affordability. From the options available, bumGenius Original 5.0 is a popular choice for its excellent design, reliability, and ease of use. GroVia Hybrid stands out for its snap-in liners that reduce laundry load, while Gerber Pre fold Premium 6-ply offers reliability and affordability. Thirsties Duo Wrap is appreciated for its functionality when used with pre folds.


Aplix Cloth Diapers vs. Snaps Cloth Diapers: Which is Better?

When it comes to cloth diapering, personal preferences are key. This article aims to help you weigh the options and make the best decision for your family.

Although we have a few diapers with Aplix, I prefer snaps. I find snaps more aesthetically pleasing, durable, and worry-free regarding washes. Nonetheless, having some Aplix in our stash is essential for instances when someone other than myself changes the diaper.

They’re more user-friendly for grandparents, babysitters, and non-cloth diaper users. Aplix is also great for newborns as it provides a better fit, and since newborn diapers aren’t worn for an extended period, you won’t notice the wear and tear. Despite snaps requiring more work, they’re worth it as they last longer, look better, and stay secure.

For those who prefer ease of use and an easier transition from disposables, aplix might be the better option. You can even mix a mix of aplix and snaps for all your cloth diapering needs. It’s always a good idea to try various opportunities to learn what works best for you and your baby!

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