Cloth Diapering Tips

Cloth Diapering – Making Cloth Diapering Easier

In an era where eco-conscious choices are gaining momentum, cloth diapers stand out as a shining example of sustainable parenting. At the forefront of this movement is a brand dedicated to minimizing waste, offsetting environmental impact, promoting natural materials, and intelligent design.

With a primary focus on cloth diapers for newborns, we’re not here to convince you of their merits – instead, we’ll delve into our top cloth diapering tips for embracing eco-reusables and quality diapering systems.

Our readers often seek advice on optimizing their cloth diapering experience, so let’s explore the 19 essential tips and tricks for cloth diapering to simplify your journey.

1-Experiment with Various Fabric and Cloth Diaper Options.

2-Tips for cloth diapering a newborn

3-Change diapers regularly.

4-Diaper Sprayer is a Lifesaver

5-You don’t have to use cloth diapers exclusively.

6-When diapering boys, keep the angle in mind.            

7-It’s More Effective to Use Cloth Wipes for Poop

8-It’s a lifesaver to have the right cloth diaper bag. 

9-For heavy wetters, natural fibers are the better choice.

10-Make it a routine to wash cloth diapers every 1-3 days.

11-It’s essential to check if the diaper fits appropriately regularly.

12- If you’re using cloth diapers, 30-36 cloth diapers should be enough for your needs.

13- Use the sun to remove stains.

14-Create your wipe solution at home and save money.

15-Select a brand that suits your needs.

16-Check diaper cream for cloth diaper safety.

17-Avoid fabric softener completely.    

18-Detergent choice matters.

19-There is no need to rinse breast milk poop.

How to start cloth diapering? -19 cloth diapering tips for parents.

cloth diepering tips


1-Experiment with Various Fabric and Cloth Diaper Options.

When you start using cloth diapers, you’ll encounter various fabric types and diaper options. Initially, it seems unusual to invest in different diaper styles, but doing so can significantly enhance your overall experience.

The challenge in cloth diapering is figuring out which kind suits your baby and lifestyle best. Depending on who takes care of your baby and where they spend their day, you might need specific diaper types.

Exploring various options like pre folds, all-in-ones, hybrids, and pockets is a good idea.

Getting advice from experienced friends or family members can be really helpful. Also, consider second-hand options, especially if you’re starting with cloth diapers. Different diaper styles fit your baby differently, similar to finding the right pair of jeans that fits just right.

As your baby grows, their diaper preferences may change, so it’s wise to begin with a variety of styles and brands to find what you like. Look beyond just softness and ease of use – think about how well the diaper keeps your baby dry.

Feel free to mix and match brands, styles, and fabric types in your cloth diaper collection. There’s no rule saying everything must come from one manufacturer. Being adaptable lets you meet your baby’s changing needs as they grow.

So, approach the properties of cloth diapering with curiosity, and you’ll discover what works best for your family’s comfort and convenience.

2-Cloth diapering tips for a newborn.

types of cloth diapers all in two 1

Here’s a sizing tip that might seem obvious, but it’s crucial in the world of cloth diapers. Most newborns weigh between 6-8 pounds or 2-3.5 kilograms.

The thing is more than one size of cloth diapers is needed for such small babies. That’s why many parents go for disposable diapers until their baby gets a bit bigger.

But here are cloth nappy tips: Take your time buying a bunch of newborn-size diapers when you know how big your baby is. It’s a good idea to have both newborn and size one disposable or one-size cloth diapers on hand until you determine which works best for your baby.

For instance, my second baby was a hefty 10 pounds at birth, so those newborn-sized diapers were completely unnecessary!

Some people do buy newborn-size cloth diapers, but keep in mind that your baby can outgrow them quickly, sometimes in just a few weeks.

So, it all comes down to whether you’re comfortable spending money on diapers that your baby might outgrow fast or if you’re okay with using disposables at the beginning.

3-Change diapers regularly.

Cloth diapers are not as good at soaking up liquid as disposable ones, so you must change them more often. The cloth ones are nicer for your baby’s skin, but they don’t hold as much.

For newborns who are being cloth diapered, it is recommended to change their diapers everyone to one and a half hours. Once your baby reaches around two months, you can increase the interval between changes to every two hours. It’s essential to ensure that you change your baby’s diaper frequently to maintain their hygiene and comfort.

Here’s a little trick I learned about cloth diapers: if you’re using pocket cloth diapers and want to keep your baby dry at night, consider using an extra pad. I used two liners at night, and it helped stop any leaks when my son started sleeping for longer stretches (6 hours or more).

4-Diaper Sprayer is a Lifesaver

Let’s talk about a reasonable price range here, somewhere between $15 to $25, nothing too extravagant. A diaper sprayer, though not an absolute must, can become quite handy once you get the hang of it. Beyond using cloth wipes and having a convenient storage or travel bag, investing in a diaper sprayer can be a smart move in your journey with reusable diapers.

To make your life more convenient and keep those cloth diapers looking good, think about adding a diaper sprayer to your daily routine. It’s a nifty device that looks like a bidet or a nozzle, and you can easily attach it to your toilet. Its main job is to help rinse off any poop from the diaper before you toss it in the cloth diaper bin.

If you’re handy with plumbing and like DIY projects, you can make your diaper sprayer. You’ll need a sink sprayer, an ice maker hose, and the proper hardware that fits your toilet. By going the DIY route, you could save around $20 compared to buying a pre-made sprayer. So, you possess the necessary abilities, and the inclination, it’s worth a try.

But how to clean poopy cloth diapers without sprayer?

if you’d instead not use a diaper sprayer or don’t have access to one, there’s an alternative method. To clean cloth diapers, dunk them in the toilet and scrape any remaining poop with a spatula. It will ensure that your diapers are clean and ready for reuse.

However, having a diaper sprayer can be a real game-changer, especially when it comes to making this part of cloth diapering a whole lot easier.

5-You don’t have to use cloth diapers exclusively.

You can begin cloth diapering even after the newborn stage, using disposable diapers for convenience during outings and busy days, and having disposables on hand at home for times when laundry piles up is a smart move.

Cloth diapering is environmentally friendly but does require regular washing. When seeking diapering advice, consider your values and lifestyle to make a personal choice between cloth and disposable diapers based on your needs and preferences.

6-When diapering boys, keep the angle in mind.            

When changing your baby boy’s diaper, ensure his penis is facing downward to prevent unexpected sprinkles, whether you’re using cloth or disposable diapers. A helpful tip is to place the new diaper under the old one before removing it.

Sometimes, the cold air can trigger a reaction so this precaution can come in handy. However, for messy situations, you’ll need to clean thoroughly. Interestingly, there’s no significant difference between cloth diapers for baby girls and boys; it’s all about the technique.

When fastening a new diaper, make sure their little member points down between their legs to avoid leaks. Positioning it off to one side might result in urine running down the leg, while an upward placement could lead to an unintentional belly shower. Placing it gently in the middle ensures that their urine is absorbed effectively.

7-It’s More Effective to Use Cloth Wipes for Poop

You’re already making eco-friendly and cost-effective choices by using cloth diapers, which are great for the environment and your wallet. Why not take a similar approach with cloth wipes? It’s an easy and impactful switch.

You can wash them along with your used diapers in the laundry. Cloth wipes can be just as effective as using 6+ disposable wipes but with only 1-2 wipes, saving you money.

Adding cloth wipes to your diaper routine is a smart move. They’re reusable, just like your cloth diapers, and some parents find them better at cleaning than disposable wipes. Plus, they’re better for the environment.

You can keep a stack of pre-wet cloth wipes on your changing table, whether you buy them or repurpose old cotton t-shirts. Cloth wipes have many uses beyond diaper changes, like burping cloths and cleaning up messes.

Cloth wipes are a better option, as disposable wipes may contain chemicals that cause adverse reactions in babies.. If you’re already committed to cloth diapers, using cloth wipes makes sense. You can wash and reuse them alongside your diapers.

In my experience, cloth wipes are especially efficient for messy diaper changes. You typically only need 2-3 cloth wipes, compared to 6 or more disposable wipes, to get the job done.

I’ve used GroVia cloth wipes for three years, and they’ve held up well. They’re thick and soft, making them an excellent choice for managing diaper changes effectively. Cloth wipes are a game-changer!

8-It’s a lifesaver to have the right cloth diaper bag. 

Think about what works best for you while managing cloth diapers. You can toss them into a roomy wet bag and forget about them until laundry day. Then, when it’s time to clean them, turn the damp bag inside out, and the diapers go straight into the washing machine without you having to touch them.

However, it’s important to note that using cloth diapers full-time means you’ll need to carry soiled ones with you.Unlike parents using disposable diapers who can quickly dispose of them in public restroom bins, your situation requires a different approach.

When you’re on the go and change a diaper, you’ll need to take it back home with you. To make this easier, you’ll want a dependable wet bag and a separate zippered section in your diaper bag to store the cloth diapers.

You can find wet bags at baby stores, but if you’re handy with a sewing machine or know someone who is, you can also make your DIY wet bag for cloth diapers. All that’s required are waterproof PUL fabric, polyester thread, and your choice of either ribbon or a zipper for the closure. If you can’t find a waterproof fabric you like, you can always get a plain one and create a cover using a different fabric.

Please don’t underestimate the importance of wet bags when it comes to storing and transporting soiled cloth diapers during your outings. It’s a good idea to have a few of them so some can be in use or the laundry while you have clean ones ready to go.

Choosing the right cloth diaper bag is crucial in the world of cloth diapering.

9-For heavy wetters, natural fibers are the better choice.

If your baby tends to soak diapers quickly, consider natural materials as a solution. Cotton, hemp, and bamboo are great choices because they absorb better than synthetic materials, especially for heavy wetters.

Another option is using wool covers. Despite being warm, wool is breathable and can absorb a lot of moisture, ensuring your baby’s nighttime clothing and bedding remain dry and keeping your baby’s clothes.

Wool is also used to make diaper liners. It’s excellent at pulling moisture away from your baby’s skin and contains lanolin, which is soothing and has antimicrobial properties.

For caregivers dealing with heavy wetters, natural fibers like cotton, hemp, and bamboo are recommended. Wool covers can provide strong leak protection and make nighttime diapering easier.

To ensure the wool’s effectiveness, follow the lanolizing process. Clean your covers, add a teaspoon of solid lanolin and 1-2 emulsifying cubes to warm water in a mason jar, and create a waterproof barrier.

10-Make it a routine to wash cloth diapers every 1-3 days.

Taking care of your cloth diapers is a vital part of successful cloth diapering, and knowing how to wash them properly is key. Typically, it’s best to wash your cloth diapers every 1-2 days to avoid potential issues.

You can stretch it to 3 days, but going beyond that may lead to problems like mold or mildew. There are so many  ways to wash cloth diapers. Some people like to start with a soak, while others rinse them with cold water.

A few even choose to soak their diapers overnight. While not mandatory, some parents, including myself, add Oxi-Clean to the initial rinse cycle about once a week.

Another cloth diaper washing tip is to use a wet cloth diaper pail, where the diapers soak in water inside the pail. To keep any odors at bay, you can put things like baking soda, vinegar, or essential oils in the water.

However, it’s important to research and understand your specific diaper type before adding any extras. Ultimately, how often you wash and which method you prefer depends on your personal choice and diapering routine.

 10-Regularly examine the diaper’s fit. 

Ensuring the proper fit during diaper changes is essential to avoid leaks and messes. It’s a simple action that can spare you from many difficulties. Check for any gaps around the legs, make sure the diaper’s rise is set correctly for your baby, and ensure it’s not too tight.

Look for red marks on your baby’s skin to determine if the diaper fits correctly; loosen the diaper there.

Getting the fit right is crucial not just for your baby’s comfort but also to prevent leaks, especially compression leaks. Following the guidelines for a proper fit, regular changes, preventing buildup, and using absorbent diapers can significantly reduce leaks.

To check if the diaper fits properly, look for red marks on your baby’s skin; if you see any, loosen the diaper in that area. Minor marks from snaps or pins are okay, but red dots are not. A well-fitting diaper should keep your baby comfortable.

During diaper changes, remember this tip: pull the diaper’s wings out to the sides first and then up to secure the waist closure. It keeps the diaper flat at the back, preventing leaks and blowouts that often happen at the back due to poorly fitting diapers.

This simple adjustment leads to a better fit, offering better leak protection and more comfort for your baby. It also helps you determine whether your child needs a larger diaper size or just an adjustment in the rise snaps for a snugger fit. A flat fit is the key to success!

11- 30-36 Cloth diapers should be sufficient for you.

While you might think you can manage with just a dozen cloth diapers, be prepared to spend a lot of time in the laundry room. Having fewer diapers means more frequent washing, which can lead to faster wear and tear. It’s advisable to have at least enough diapers to last two full days.

For a newborn under six months, this translates to roughly 24 diapers. Many parents adopt a three-day cycle, which includes one set of clean diapers, one pack in use, and one in the washing/drying process.

I followed this approach and found it significantly eased the workload. I had around 36 diapers on hand, which might sound like a lot, but believe me, you’ll go through them faster than you expect.

Having extras can also be a lifesaver in unexpected situations, such as power or water outages, your baby having an illness that leads to more frequent changes, or even when you’re unwell and can’t do the laundry.

The exact number of diapers you need is a personal choice, but as a general guideline, having 24 to 36 is advisable. If you’re building a newborn diaper stash, leaning towards 36 might be wise, as newborns can use up to 12 diapers or more in a single day.

For those with two or more kids, having 36 to 48 diapers can be a practical choice, given the frequent changes that come with cloth diapering. While the one size fits all diapers offer cost-effectiveness, they might be too large for newborns, so consider getting specially sized diapers for them.

There are various types of cloth diapers to choose from, such as covers, pockets, all-in-ones, or all-in twos. Additionally, having at least two inserts or boosters for each diaper is recommended. There are numerous cloth diapering brands available, so explore your options to find the ones that suit your preferences and budget.

 12- Use the sun to remove stains.

Sunlight does wonders for both cleaning and drying cloth diapers, making it the top choice. While a stain doesn’t necessarily mean your diapers are dirty, nobody likes to see them stained.

Here’s the magic: sunlight is an excellent stain remover. The stains will vanish after your diapers have been washed and dried in the sun.Since air drying is recommended, using the sun won’t add extra drying time.

If you can’t use sunlight for stain removal, products like Oxiclean, hydrogen peroxide, or vinegar can be handy alternatives. I’ve found Oxiclean quite effective.

But here’s a cloth diaper cleaning tips: always check with the diaper manufacturer before using any cleaning product. Some products might void your warranty, so it’s essential to get their approval first. Trust me; I was sceptical at first, but after dealing with baby stains, I’m a believer.

For sunning away stubborn stains, follow your regular washing routine to ensure the diapers are clean without any residue. Then, let them bask in the sunlight and watch those stains disappear., you can try a Buncha Farmers stain stick before sunning.

For extra tough stains, just wet the stick, rub it on the stains, and continue with sunning. If you use the stain stick during sunning, remember to give your diapers another washes before using them. It’s a practical method to tackle stains.

13-Create your wipe solution at home and save money.

Cloth wipes are most effective when they’re slightly wet, and it’s easy to do. You can use plain water or add a touch of scented water for a pleasant experience. To care for your baby’s sensitive skin, consider mixing in a bit of coconut oil with the water.

Your cloth wipes can be kept in several convenient ways. You can moisten them in the sink before each diaper change, or you can have a small spray bottle filled with water at your changing table for quick access. Many parents prefer to store their damp cloth wipes in a small container, like a tub or Tupperware, to have them easily on hand whenever they’re needed.

Pre fold diapers are incredibly versatile and easy to clean. These padded pieces of fabric dry faster than many other types of cloth diapers and can serve various purposes. They work well as burp cloths, cleaning rags, bibs, hand towels, and more.

For pre fold diapers, cloth diaper covers are required.  One practical approach is to use pocket diapers as covers. It not only provides better absorbency but also simplifies the process by eliminating the need to stuff pocket diapers separately.

While this method may require washing pocket diapers more frequently, it streamlines the overall diapering routine, especially if you already have some pocket diapers available.

Plus, pocket diapers are often budget-friendly, making them a cost-effective choice. So, don’t hesitate to explore the versatility of pre fold diapers for your various parenting needs!

 14-Select a brand that suits your needs.

When you decide to use reusable diapers full-time, you might spend anywhere from $200 to $750. Even though this is a significant money-saver compared to disposable diapers, it’s essential to be careful with your choices.

Research the brands and types of reusable diapers you’re interested in. Learn about their values, the causes they support, who they are, and their return and warranty policies.

Unfortunately, in the diaper market, some brands copy others without doing the necessary work. As an intelligent shopper, watch out for this. Keep in mind that you often get what you pay for, so invest your money wisely.

15-Check diaper cream for cloth diaper safety.

When picking a diaper cream for your cloth diapers, be cautious, as not all are safe for them. Some creams can cause staining and repelling issues, even if they’re labeled as cloth friendly.

You should avoid creams with zinc or petroleum, as they can damage your cloth diapers. Check with your diaper manufacturer for recommendations and aim for a diaper balm with natural ingredients.

If your chosen cream contains zinc or petroleum, using a disposable liner can protect your cloth diapers. Consider options like GroVia Magic Stick, Booty Love, or Grandma El’s Rash Remedy & Prevention Stick, which are cloth diaper safe. In our home, plain coconut oil often serves as our go-to diaper cream.

16-Avoid fabric softener completely.    

Using fabric softener with cloth diapers is a big mistake. It can make the diapers push away liquid instead of soaking it up, and the strong scent from fabric softeners can stick to the diapers, making detergent or ammonia problems even worse.

To keep cloth diapering easy and trouble-free, skip the fabric softener altogether.

17-Detergent choice matters.

Choosing a suitable detergent is a big deal for cloth diapering. Some detergents can cause problems like repelling ammonia buildup and even harm your washing machine.

Homemade soaps usually don’t cut it. When it comes to cloth diapers, people have strong opinions, often favoring one brand over another. Understanding the entire washing process is critical to success in achieving clean clothes. Variables like water hardness and temperature affect detergent effectiveness.

Variables like water temperature and hardness can affect how much detergent you need.Many detergents can lead to problems like repelling, difficulty in absorption, ammonia buildup, and, in severe cases, skin irritations.

Unfortunately, homemade soaps don’t measure up in terms of cleaning power and are best avoided from the start.

18-There is no need to rinse breast milk poop.  

If your baby is solely breastfed, there’s no need to rinse off the diaper before placing it in the pail. Breast milk poop easily dissolves in water, so a quick pre-rinse or short wash before the main machine wash is enough.

However, if you’re bothered by the odor, it’s outstanding to rinse the poop off before storing the diaper until wash day. For babies who are formula-fed or have started eating solids, it’s essential to rinse with each poopy diaper.

So, when it comes to breast milk poop, there’s no need to rinse it off.


Q-1 Can you put poopy cloth diapers in the washing machine?

If your infant is solely nourished with breast milk, those diapers can go straight into the wash without any special attention.

Q-2 How do you clean reusable diapers with poop?    

On wash day, cleaning soiled cloth diapers is as straightforward as washing wet ones with your regular detergent and routine.

Q-3 Should you soak poopy cloth diapers?

While soaking poopy cloth diapers isn’t necessary,  The best way to prevent stains from setting in poopy cloth diapers is to keep them damp until you can wash them.

Q-4 How to wash cloth diapers with poop in washing machine?     

To wash cloth diapers ,poop in the washing machine, ensure you don’t mix them with other clothing, and rinse soiled diapers promptly before adding them.

Q-5 How to wash cloth diapers for the first time?

For the initial wash of new cloth diapers, use a hot cycle with Dreft detergent and follow it with an extra rinse cycle.

Q-6 How to wash cloth diapers in washing machine?

Store used cloth diapers for a maximum of 2-3 days, then wash them in warm water (up to 104°F/40°C) with cloth diaper-safe detergent, avoiding fabric softener. Use the most extended washing cycle; pre-rinsed diapers skip the pre-wash cycle.

Q-7 How to wash cloth diapers by hand?    

To wash cloth diapers in the bathtub, fill it halfway with cold water, add detergent and water softener, soak for 10-20 minutes, then drain.

Q-8 Can you successfully clean synthetic fibers?

Many fabrics, including natural and synthetic ones, can be cleaned with soap and water, while some are suitable for water and diluted bleach.


Cloth diapering can be a sustainable and cost-effective choice for parents, but it does require some know-how and care. Ensuring a proper fit, using a suitable detergent, and following good hygiene practices are crucial to success.

Whether you’re new to cloth diapering or a seasoned pro, these cloth diapering tips  can help make the experience smoother, more eco-friendly, and comfortable for both you and your baby. So, embrace the world of cloth diapers with confidence, knowing that you’re making a positive choice for your family and the environment.

Also read.

Types of cloth diapers

Benefits of cloth diapers 

All in two cloth diapers 

Fitted cloth diapers 

All in one cloth diapers 

How to sanitize cloth diapers.

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