Stinky cloth diapers

Stinky cloth diapers-[Guide 2024]

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One of the many benefits of cloth diapering is its eco-friendly and cost-effective nature. However, as parents quickly discover, managing stinky cloth diapers can be a less pleasant aspect of this choice. The unmistakable odor from soiled cloth diapers can be a challenge to tackle. This article explores the common causes behind stinky cloth diapers and provides practical solutions to keep your cloth diapering experience as fresh as possible. Say goodbye to diaper pail odors and hello to a more pleasant diapering routine!

Why Do Cloth Diapers Smell Like Wet Dog?

Parents seeking a pocket-friendly and ecologically conscious diapering solution can choose cloth diapers. However, if you’ve ever thought, Why do my cloth diapers smell like a wet dog? you’re not alone. This issue can be perplexing, but the good news is it’s not an uncommon problem among cloth diaper users.

why do my cloth diapers smell?

If you’re dealing with a stinky diaper, it’s essential to identify the cause of the stink in your cloth diapers. There are several reasons why cloth diapers can smell bad, so it’s crucial to determine what’s happening to avoid wasting time and resources on ineffective solutions.

Diapers Aren’t Getting Clean Enough

If your cloth diapers are not getting thoroughly cleaned, they will smell. If your cloth diapers smell bad even after multiple washes, it could be due to your water quality.

Residue Buildup

The primary culprit behind cloth diapers smelling like a wet dog is residue buildup. Insufficient detergent and water temperature cause washing issues. The urine in the diapers becomes diluted instead of being rinsed away, causing it to be recycled during the wash cycle and dried onto the fabric. The outcome of this is an unpleasant smell.

If Your Diapers Smell Like Ammonia

If cloth diapers are not washed properly, urine residue can cause ammonia odor. It is usually caused by insufficient detergent or water in the washing machine.

The Dangers of Too Much Detergent

. Using too much detergent can cause cloth diaper odor by building up in the washing machine.

Dealing with Hard Water

Hard water can cause diaper odor due to its high mineral content. The more minerals in the water, the more complex the water is considered.

Detecting Hard Water

Minerals in hard water can leave deposits on cloth diapers, preventing thorough cleaning and causing odor. The detergent may also not fully activate.

The Consequences of Detergent Buildup

Detergent residue can cause diaper rash, not just odor.

The Effects of Too Little Detergent

The ammonia smell of cloth diapers caused by urine buildup can result from using too little detergent while using too much causes detergent buildup.

Water Temperature

Inadequate hot water temperature during the main wash can result in incomplete cleaning and odors persisting on your diapers. Ensure your water heater is set to a suitable temperature for effective cleaning. Hot water is essential for breaking down stains and killing bacteria.

Overloading the Machine

Overloading your washing machine can prevent proper agitation and hinder the effectiveness of your wash routine. Avoid overloading your machine and allow your diapers to agitate freely in the wash. It ensures that every diaper gets a thorough cleaning.

Rinse Cycles

Insufficient rinse cycles can leave detergent residues on your cloth diapers, leading to unwanted odors.Add extra rinse cycles to your wash routine to ensure that all detergent and waste are washed out.

Addressing Diaper Stink Types

There are many possible reasons your cloth diapers stink, but the two most common are detergent buildup and diapers not getting clean enough.

The Two Most Common Stink Types

There are two common types of odors that you can smell in cloth diapers: ammonia and barnyard. Ammonia is the result of a chemical reaction between pee and detergent buildup. When the pee meets the diaper, the detergent buildup crystallizes into a pungent smell that can be overwhelming. The second type barnyard smell cloth diapers is also present in cloth diapers.

If your cloth diapers smell barnyard, they need to be cleaned thoroughly.

How to get rid of stinky cloth diapers?

If you’re struggling with the persistent smell of diapers, whether it’s ammonia or other odors, there are several methods you can employ to tackle this issue effectively. Diapers should smell clean and fresh; if they don’t, it’s time to act.

1. Stripping: Stripping cloth diapers is a thorough way to eliminate any smells or buildups. It’s beneficial if your cloth diapers should be more absorbent. Stripping involves removing all residues from your, how do you strip cloth diapers? Here’s a step-by-step guide to stripping your cloth diapers effectively:

– Make sure your diapers are already clean.

– Set your washing machine to the highest wash setting.

– Add a detergent suitable for stripping, such as GroVia Mighty Bubbles.

– Wash your diapers using hot water.

– After washing, give your diapers an extra rinse cycle.

– If you still notice any unpleasant smell, rinse them again before drying.

– Air dry your diapers, preferably under the sun. Sunlight naturally kills bacteria, making it a great way to sanitize your diapers. For more information, you can read the detailed instructions here.

Read more details here 

2. Bleaching: Bleaching is another method to tackle diaper smells. If your diapers or diaper covers have developed unpleasant odors, you can safely bleach cloth diapers with these steps:

  • Use disinfecting bleach with at least 5.25% sodium hypochlorite.
  • You can use a bathtub or a top-loading washing machine.
  • For a full tub, use ½ cup of bleach. For a large load washer, use ¾ cup of bleach.
  • Use cold water and allow your diapers to soak for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse your diapers with hot water.
  • Run them through a regular wash cycle.
  • If your diapers smell like bleach, run them through a second rinse cycle.
  •  Change Your Detergent: Sometimes, the culprit behind nasty diaper odors is the detergent you’re using. Ensure you’re using a detergent specifically designed for cloth diapers. Some recommended detergents include Rockin Green, GroVia Mighty Bubbles, Bambino Mio Fresh, and Grab Green Baby Detergent. If you have a high-efficiency machine, ensure the detergent is suitable for HE machines to avoid washer damage.
  •  Recheck or Change Your Washing Routine: Changing your wash routine might be the solution to rid your diapers of unpleasant odors. Washing diapers consistently with the same detergent might lead to buildup. Here are some washing routine adjustments to consider:
  • Alternate between two different detergents each month.
  • Do a weekly wash with an enzyme booster like Oxyclean. Running a wash cycle with vinegar and baking soda every few weeks is recommended to keep your washing machine clean.
  • Change Diapers Regularly: Change soiled diapers promptly to reduce odors. Fresh urine doesn’t have a strong odor, but as urine breaks down into ammonia, the smell becomes more noticeable. Change your baby every 2-3 times during the day and consider one nighttime change.
  • Rinse Diapers: Scrape or rinse solid waste from diapers. Some parents spray urine into the toilet, while others put wet diapers in a pail and rinse them in the washing machine later.
  •  Consider Funk Rock and RLR: Products like Rockin’ Green Funk Rock and RLR can effectively combat stubborn stinks in your cloth diapers. Follow the package instructions when using these products.

Tips for Washing: Follow these tips for washing cloth diapers effectively:

  • Start with a cold-water rinse.
  • Use a small amount of vinegar to neutralize odors.
  •  Follow up by washing in hot water. Use hot water (149°F/65°C) for washing, as it kills bacteria effectively.
  •   Select a strong detergent suitable for cloth diapers. Ensure it contains enzymes to break down biological matter.
  • Use half the recommended detergent amount for regular loads and adjust as needed.
  • For persistent odors, add a small amount of diluted bleach during the hot water cycle and rinse thoroughly.
  • Maintain good agitation by washing no more than 18 diapers at a time
  • Dry Diapers in the Sun: Line-drying diapers can help remove odors due to the sun’s disinfecting properties. You can add a few drops of lemon essential oil to the dryer if you prefer machine drying.
  • Open the Diaper Pail: Losing the diaper pail lid can increase ventilation and reduce odors. Ensure the pail is kept from direct sunlight and away from heat sources. Regularly wipe down the bucket with a nontoxic disinfectant and consider drying it in the sunlight.
  • Use Room Deodorizers: Place a room deodorizer near the diaper pail or use nontoxic home deodorizers. A vented fridge box with baking soda or coffee grounds can also help neutralize diaper odors.
  • Wash your diapers in a regular hot wash cycle with detergent and rinse them twice. If your diapers smell clean at this stage, dry them at low to medium heat. If not, repeat parts of the process depending on the diaper’s condition.

By following these steps, you can effectively remove odors from your diapers and enjoy a fresher diapering experience for your baby.

Solving Ammonia Smells

If you encounter an ammonia smell, it is essential to differentiate it from a regular urine smell. Follow specific guidelines to address ammonia odor, which may require bleaching and a detailed wash routine.

Dealing with Barnyard Smells

To tackle the unpleasant “barnyard” smell, keep the following steps in mind:

  • rewash your diapers with detergent to see if that solves the issue.
  • Store your dirty diapers correctly, away from heat sources, and in a well-ventilated environment.
  • Evaluate how often you wash your diapers. Wash every one to two days or as soon as you have enough for a full load.
  • Check your detergent choice and ensure you use the correct quantity.
  • If the problem persists, sanitize your diapers to reset and eliminate the odor. Follow the sanitization process outlined earlier in the article.

 Why Cloth Diapers Smell Like Pee After Washing?

stinky cloth diapers

The eco-conscious choice of cloth diapers is a great way to save money and reduce environmental impact. However, parents who use cloth diapers may occasionally encounter a perplexing problem: why do cloth diapers smell like pee even after washing? The answer to this riddle lies in your hard or soft water and how it interacts with detergent and urine residues.

Understanding the Culprits

  1. Hard Water and Mineral Buildup

Hard water contains a high concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium. When used for washing cloth diapers, it can create a buildup of these minerals, leading to urine getting trapped within the fabric. This trapped urine can result in a foul smell.

  1. Soft Water and Detergent Buildup

Conversely, soft water contains fewer minerals and can cause problems. It may not rinse detergent away as effectively as hard water does, causing a detergent buildup in the diapers. The trapped detergent can trap urine, leading to an unpleasant odor.

Solutions to Combat the Unwanted Smell

To overcome the problem of cloth diapers smelling like pee after washing, let’s explore solutions tailored to your water type:

  1. Addressing Hard Water

Water Softener

If you have hard water, Invest in a water softener to reduce mineral content in your water. It will help reduce the mineral buildup in your cloth diapers.

Extra Rinse Cycle

Consider adding an extra rinse cycle to remove all mineral residues from the diapers if you have soft water.

  1. Dealing with Soft Water

If you have soft water:

4.1 Adjust Detergent Amount

Reduce the amount of detergent used when washing cloth diapers. Soft water requires less detergent to clean effectively.

4.2 Cold Pre-Rinse

Start with a cold pre-rinse to help eliminate detergent residues before the main wash.

  1. Regular Stripping

Regardless of your water type, periodic stripping of cloth diapers is essential. This deep-cleaning process helps remove any accumulated residues, maintaining diaper freshness.

  1. Sun-Drying

If you want to remove odors from your cloth diapers, sun-drying them can be highly effective. The sun’s natural antibacterial properties help kill odor-causing bacteria.

Disposable diaper smells like ammonia

How to Get Rid of Ammonia (Pee) Smell in Cloth Diapers

Every parent knows that a funky-smelling cloth diaper is far from desirable. Clean reusable diapers should not have any unpleasant odors, but sometimes, they start smelling like urine, poop, or even ammonia. Fear not if you’ve encountered the dreaded ammonia smell in your cloth diapers.

Understanding the Ammonia Issue

Ammonia smell in cloth diapers is a common concern, and it’s essential to understand the reasons behind it. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. The Role of Ammonia

Ammonia smell primarily comes from pee. Urine naturally contains ammonia; over time, it can become more concentrated and odorous, contributing to the stink in cloth diapers.

  1. Heavy Wetters and Toddler Urine

Heavy, wetter babies are more prone to ammonia smell in their diapers. Additionally, as your child grows and consumes more liquids, their urine becomes more concentrated, exacerbating the issue.

  1. Factors Influencing Diaper Odor

The smell in your diaper pail can vary based on several factors, including your diaper storage and washing routine. Open buckets and longer intervals between washes can lead to different odor experiences.

4. Transitioning from Disposable Diapers

If you’ve recently switched to cloth diapers from disposables, the smell you’re encountering might be the natural odor of pee and poop. Disposable diapers mask these odors, but cloth diapers do not. it’s crucial to identify the source of the issue to solve the cloth diaper stink problem

  1. Differentiating Urea from Ammonia

Freshly washed cloth diapers might not smell, as you might smell the urea from the pee, which is normal. The problem arises when your diapers smell like ammonia immediately after your baby pees, signaling an issue.

What do clean diapers smell like?

What Should Clean Diapers Smell Like? Unveiling the Secrets of a Fresh Wash Routine

When you pull your cloth diapers from the washing machine, you expect them to have a particular scent – like clean, wet clothes. But if they don’t, it might be time to inspect your wash routine.

Understanding the Ideal Diaper Smell

Before achieving the perfect diaper smell, let’s establish what clean diapers should smell like. The goal is simple: clean diapers should have a faint, neutral odor, similar to wet clothes fresh from the washing machine. There should be no lingering odors of urine, feces, or detergent.

The Basic Wash Routine

A successful wash routine for cloth diapers is usually straightforward but effective. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Pre-Wash: Cold Water, No Detergent

In the first stage, the goal is to remove loose soil and residues without setting in any stains. Run a pre-wash cycle using cold water and no detergent. This step helps prevent solid waste from sitting and ensures that the main wash can effectively clean the diapers.

  1. Main Wash: Hot Water with Detergent

The second step involves the main wash. Here, you should use hot water and an appropriate amount of detergent. The hot water helps break down stains, bacteria, and any remaining soiling. Using the right amount of detergent is vital to thoroughly clean without leaving any residue on the diapers.

Water Temperature

Set your water heater temperature at an appropriate level to ensure effective cleaning. Ensure your water heater is set to a suitable temperature for effective cleaning. Hot water is essential for breaking down stains and killing bacteria.

Overloading the Machine

Overloading your washing machine can hinder its effectiveness. Avoid overloading your machine and allow your diapers to agitate freely in the wash. It ensures that every diaper gets a thorough cleaning.

Rinse Cycles

Insufficient rinse cycles can leave detergent residues on your cloth diapers, leading to unwanted odors. Add extra rinse cycles to your wash routine to ensure all detergent and waste are entirely washed out.

Baby diaper smells like chemicals. 

If you’ve noticed that your baby’s diaper smells like a chemical, particularly ammonia, there’s often no need to worry. This chemical-like odor is generally attributed to the normal breakdown of urea, a waste product found in urine. When urine meets the air inside the diaper, it can undergo a chemical reaction, producing an ammonia-like smell.

This occurrence is typical and not usually a cause for concern. However, if the scent is exceedingly solid or persistent, it could indicate issues like dehydration, diaper rash, dietary factors, or the need for more frequent diaper changes. In rare cases, a strong odor may indicate a urinary tract infection. If you are concerned about your baby’s health, it’s best to seek advice from a healthcare provider.

How to get rid of diaper smell in the room?

If you’re dealing with a persistent diaper smell in a room, there are several ways to tackle it effectively:

  1.  Put the Diaper Pail Outside: Placing the diaper pail outside is a straightforward yet highly effective solution. It immediately removes the source of the odor from the room.
  2.  Get Diapers That Fit: Ill-fitting diapers can contribute to leaks, which can spread odors. To avoid leakage, using the correct diaper size for your baby is essential.
  3.  Boost the Wet Bag: Investing in a high-quality wet bag can help contain odors if you use cloth diapers. Look for wet bags with good sealing capabilities to keep the smell locked in.
  4.  Diffuse Essential Oils: Essential oils like lavender, eucalyptus, or lemon can help mask and neutralize odors. Use an essential oil diffuser in the room to keep it smelling fresh.
  5.  Clean: Regularly clean the changing area, diaper pail, and any surfaces that may have encountered diaper contents. Thorough cleaning can significantly reduce odors.
  6.  Open Windows: Ventilation is critical. Opening windows can help fresh air circulate through the room, reducing stale odors.

By following these steps, you can effectively combat and eliminate the diaper smell in your room.

How to Maintain Fresh-Smelling Diapers?

No parent wants to admit it, but sometimes, even cloth diapers can become odor offenders. When your precious baby’s cloth diapers start to stink, it’s time to take action.

  1. Change Diapers Regularly

The golden rule for maintaining fresh-smelling cloth diapers is to change them regularly. The more often you change your baby’s diaper, the less time odor-causing elements have to build up. Less poop and pee in the diaper means less work during cleanup.

  1. Frequent Washing: Every 1-2 Days

It is essential to wash your cloth diapers every one to two days to maintain good hygiene.Three days should be the absolute maximum. The longer you wait, the more opportunity odor culprits have to take hold.

  1. Rinse or Scrape Off Excess

Before tossing dirty diapers into the laundry bin, rinse or scrape any excess waste. Taking this preliminary step can help prevent lingering odors significantly.

  1. Disposable Liners for Easy Cleanup

For a more straightforward cleanup process, consider using disposable liners. These thin, convenient sheets can catch the bulk of the mess and make dealing with poop less daunting.

  1. Cold Rinse Cycle

Start the wash cycle with a cold rinse. This initial step helps remove loose particles and prep the diapers for a thorough cleaning.

  1. Vinegar as an Odor Neutralizer

Every once in a while, incorporate vinegar into your wash routine. It’s a fantastic natural odor neutralizer. Just be cautious with the amount – too much vinegar can affect the diaper’s absorbency.

  1. Embrace the Sun

Sunlight is a diaper’s best friend. After washing, hang the diapers outside in the sun. Not only does the sun naturally kill bacteria, but it also leaves your diapers smelling fresh and clean.

  1. Proper Storage Matters

Pay attention to how you store dirty diapers.. A well-ventilated diaper pail or bin can prevent odors from getting trapped and help keep the surrounding area fresh. Keep away from direct sunlight and heat to maintain cleanliness.

  1. Suitable Detergent Selection

The selection of detergent is crucial when washing cloth diapers. It is essential to choose a detergent that is specifically formulated for cloth diapers. Avoid fabric softeners and overly fragranced detergents that can leave residues and mask odors.

  1. Master the Art of Washing

Learning how to wash cloth diapers properly is crucial. Follow a routine with a cold rinse, hot wash, and extra rinse cycle. Use the right amount of detergent, not too much or too little.

  1. Be Watchful of Hard Water

Hard water can be a challenge for cloth diapers. If you have hard water, consider using a water softener or detergent formulated for hard water to prevent mineral buildup.

  1. Regular Stripping

Periodically, you may need to strip your diapers. This process removes any lingering buildup. Be cautious to deny only a few times, as it can be harsh on the fabric.

  1. Address Ammonia Smells

If you encounter ammonia-like smells, this may be due to issues with your wash routine. Adjust your washing methods to ensure proper cleaning.

  1. Keep it Fresh

Use deodorizers or fresheners designed for cloth diapers. However, be mindful of additives that might irritate your baby’s skin.

  1. Seek Help When Needed

If all else fails and odors persist, don’t hesitate to seek advice from diapering communities or forums. Fellow parents often have valuable insights to share.


Q-1 How do you fix stinky cloth diapers? 

To fix stinky cloth diapers, you can soak them in hot water with a product like Rockin Green Funk Rock for 3-4 hours, replacing hot water as it cools. Swish the diapers around during this time and then re-wash. If the ammonia smell persists, you may need to repeat the process.

Q-2 How do you get urine smell out of cloth diapers? 

To eliminate odors from cloth diapers, make sure to change them promptly to reduce the smell. Before washing, rinse or scrape off solid waste, and begin with a cold-water rinse. Sun-drying the diapers can also help freshen them. Keep the diaper pail open to improve ventilation and consider using a room deodorizer near the pail if necessary.

Q-3 Do cloth diapers have a smell?

Clean cloth diapers should not have a noticeable smell. If cloth diapers have an unpleasant odor, it’s a sign that they are not properly cleaned or need special attention to address the issue.

Q-4 How many hours cloth diapers can be used?          

Cloth diapers generally need to be changed every 2-4 hours generally, but the frequency may vary depending on the age of the child. Newborns tend to urinate more frequently than toddlers, so they may require more frequent changes.

Q-5 Do you change a cloth diaper after every pee?

Changing a cloth diaper every two hours is recommended to prevent prolonged contact with urine, reducing the risk of skin irritation.

Q-6 Are cloth diapers hygienic?

Yes, washing cloth diapers in your washing machine can be just as sanitary as washing other laundry items, like sweat-soaked workout clothes, as long as you follow proper washing procedures. Cloth diapers can be hygienic when cleaned and maintained correctly.

Q-7 What detergent is best for cloth diapers?    

The best detergent for cloth diapers is typically a high-performance powder detergent like Tide Ultra OXI Powder. These detergents often contain built-in pre-treaters, surfactants, and enzymes to effectively remove stains and odors from cloth diapers.

Q-8 Do you rinse pee out of cloth diapers?

Yes, it’s common practice to rinse pee out of cloth diapers. The first rinse is often done without detergent to remove urine and solid waste, and then the diapers are washed more thoroughly in a later cycle with detergent to ensure they are properly cleaned. Baking soda can be used to help with the cleaning process

Q-9 Why do my cloth diapers smell bad?

Cloth diapers can smell bad when they are dirty and need cleaning. They usually don’t require disinfection like used diapers, as hot water during washing is sufficient to kill bacteria and address the odor issue.

Q-10 Why do my cloth diapers smell musty?

A musty smell in cloth diapers often indicates a need for stripping. The lingering odor is typically due to a build-up of residues left behind in the diaper fibers from detergents, oils, or other substances. Stripping is necessary to remove this build-up and refresh the diapers.

So, Say Goodbye to Stinky Diapers!

Maintaining fresh-smelling cloth diapers may seem daunting, but you can conquer the odor battle with the proper techniques and consistent practices. Remember that every baby is different, so you may need to adjust your routine to suit their needs. The key is to stay proactive, follow these guidelines, and enjoy a diapering experience as fresh as a daisy.

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