Where to store stroller

Where to store stroller -20 Great Stroller Storage Ideas

When it comes to parenting, a stroller is an essential item that accompanies the journey. These versatile tools provide convenience and mobility, making outings with your little ones a breeze. However, the challenge often arises when deciding where to store the stroller when not in use. From practical solutions within your home to considerations for long-term storage, finding the right spot ensures the stroller stays in excellent condition and remains easily accessible.

In this guide, we explore various storage ideas, addressing factors like hygiene, security, and longevity, to help you make informed decisions on where and how to store your stroller effectively.

Where to store stroller- Detailed Analysis

Below, we are going to discuss 20 great ideas on the topic of where to store strollers.

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1-Car Trunk

You can use bungee cords to secure a folded stroller to maximize your car trunk’s storage space. This simple solution keeps the stroller in place and prevents it from shifting around during transit. To use bungee cords, first fold the stroller and place it in the trunk. Then, stretch the bungee cords over the stroller and secure them to the hooks or handles on the sides of the trunk.

Please ensure the cords are tight enough to keep the stroller in place but not so tight that they cause any damage. Using bungee cords to secure your stroller, you can free up more space in your trunk and ensure your belongings stay organized and safe.

2-By the Door

To keep your stroller easily accessible while also ensuring the safety of your little ones, consider hanging it upside down near the entrances of your rooms. Use extensive and durable hooks that can withstand the stroller’s weight. This keeps it out of the way, preventing curious children from playing with it and potentially causing harm.

3-Bike Tent

To keep the stroller easily accessible while also ensuring it remains out of reach of children, consider hanging it upside down near room entrances. Large, durable hooks are ideal for this purpose, as they can support the stroller’s weight without damaging the walls or ceiling. Hanging the stroller in this way can also free up valuable floor space and minimize the risk of tripping hazards. Just be sure to choose a location that is convenient for you to access when you need the stroller while still being out of reach of curious little hands.

4-Under Stairs Storage:

You can optimize your available space by using the area under your stairs to safely store your stroller. This will not only provide you with easy access to the stroller but also keep it out of the way and free up valuable floor space. Now, you can conveniently grab your stroller and head outdoors with your little one without the hassle of searching for it all over the house.

5-Use a Bassinet:

One way to maximize the space in your home is by utilizing the area under your stairs. By placing your stroller under stairs storage, you can keep it out of the way and easily accessible when you need it before heading outdoors. This is especially useful if you live in a small apartment or house where space is at a premium.

Additionally, storing your stroller under the stairs can help keep it clean and protected from damage, as it will be shielded from dust and other potential hazards. Overall, using under-stairs storage for your stroller is an innovative and practical solution to help you maximize your living space.

Garden Shed:

To ensure that your stroller remains in good condition, it’s essential to store it properly. A garden shed can be a great storage option, but taking a few precautions to prevent mold growth and insect infestations is necessary. First, please ensure the stroller is clean and dry before storing it. Once it’s ready, cover it with a protective material that will not trap moisture.

This will prevent mold growth and keep insects at bay. Please consider using a pest control product to protect against insect infestations. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your stroller stays in top condition and is ready for use when needed.

Bike Shed:

A bike shed is an excellent option for storing strollers because it protects from harsh weather conditions such as rain, wind, and snow. The shed acts as a shield, keeping the stroller dry and safe from the elements, which can cause damage and wear over time. Additionally, a shed provides a designated spot to store the stroller, freeing up space in the house or garage and reducing clutter. Overall, a bike shed is a practical and convenient solution for stroller storage.


To store your stroller in the garage, you’ll need to use sturdy hooks that can be mounted on either the doors or walls. Before hanging it, please ensure the stroller is folded correctly and straightened out to prevent damage. Once you have the hooks, you can carefully lift the stroller and hang it securely in its designated spot, double-check that it’s firmly in place and won’t fall before leaving it to rest. This will help keep your stroller organized and out of the way while keeping it in good condition for future use.

Garden Conservatory:

A garden conservatory provides an excellent storage solution for strollers while offering enhanced protection against harsh weather conditions like rain and sunlight. By utilizing a garden conservatory with a suitable covering, you can ensure that your strollers remain dry and safe from the damaging effects of UV rays. The conservatory can also provide additional security for your strollers, protecting them from theft or damage. With the help of a garden conservatory, you can keep your strollers in top condition and ready for use whenever you need them.

Baby Room:

To keep the baby’s room tidy and easily accessible, it is recommended that the folded stroller be stored in a designated location. This will help maintain cleanliness and ensure the stroller is readily available. It would be best to consider using a stroller organizer or a storage bin to keep the stroller and its accessories organized and within reach.

This will make it easier to grab the stroller and head out for a walk or an errand with your little one without any hassle.


Strollers are valuable baby gear that requires proper storage to maintain quality and longevity. Storing them in a sheltered space is advisable to protect them from harsh weather conditions such as rain, sun, or snow. A carport or a mini shed can provide the ideal storage solution for strollers.

These spaces protect cars from the elements and can be repurposed to store strollers. By utilizing these spaces, you can keep your strollers safe and dry, ensuring they last longer and remain in good condition for your little ones.

Front or Back Door:

It’s a great idea to hang your stroller by the front or back door using door hooks to make your life easier. This will save you the hassle of carrying it around and making it easily accessible whenever needed. Please ensure enough space behind the door to avoid any inconvenience.


The greenhouse area can effectively store the stroller and other items. It is essential to ensure that the items are adequately covered to protect them from dirt and other elements that may cause damage. Using this space, you can keep your belongings safe and secure while keeping them clean.


When your little one’s nursery room is not in use, you can quickly transform it into a practical stroller storage space. Could you fold the stroller neatly and tuck it in the room to free up floor space? This way, you can keep your child’s room tidy and organized while also ensuring that your stroller is easily accessible when you need it.


To ensure easy access to lightweight and portable strollers during outdoor trips, it is recommended to store them inside the wardrobe room. By keeping strollers in the wardrobe, you can quickly grab strollers on your way out without searching the entire house. This will save time and prevent any potential damage or misplacement of the strollers. Therefore, it is a convenient and practical solution for families frequently going on outdoor trips with their little ones.

Storage Area:

To keep your stroller in good condition, it’s essential to store it properly. Use a dedicated storage area, fold it correctly, and cover it to protect it from dust and other elements.


Storing the stroller in the basement is popular among parents for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to keep the stroller out of sight and free up space in the living areas. Secondly, basements are usually more relaxed and less humid than other parts of the house, which can help to preserve the stroller’s fabric, padding, and other components.

Additionally, basements are often less prone to dust and dirt accumulation, which can help to keep the stroller clean and hygienic. Finally, keeping the stroller in the basement can also make it more easily accessible when needed, mainly if the basement is located near the main entrance or garage.


If you have a spacious hallway in your home, you can store your child’s stroller and keep it out of the way during playtime. Folding the stroller and tucking it away in a corner will help prevent it from taking up valuable space and causing disruptions. This will keep your child’s play area clean and safe and make it easier for you to access the stroller when needed. Overall, using your hallway as a storage space for your child’s stroller is a practical and efficient way to keep your home organized and functional.

Get a Foldable Stroller:

Choosing a foldable stroller can be practical for parents looking to save storage space. Foldable strollers can easily collapse and take up significantly less space when stored than non-foldable strollers. A foldable stroller can take up to half the storage space of a non-foldable one. This can be especially useful for parents with limited home or car storage space.

Moreover, some foldable strollers also come with additional features such as adjustable handles, reclining seats, and ample storage space, making them a versatile and practical choice for parents on the go.

By the Living Room:

You consider storing the stroller in a corner to save space in your living room. Firstly, choose a corner that is easily accessible and does not disrupt the flow of movement in the room. Secondly, ensure that there is enough space in the corner to accommodate the stroller and that it does not cause any obstruction. Use a stroller organizer to keep it neat.

Finally, you can choose a spot that draws little, such as behind a couch or a potted plant. With these steps, you can store your stroller in the living room without hindering your daily activities.

Explore these creative storage solutions to keep your stroller organized and easily accessible.

When It Comes To Storing Strollers, There Are Few Things To Consider


Consistent cleaning of strollers is crucial to prevent dust and germs from harming your child’s health.


It is important to securely store the stroller to ensure your child’s safety and to avoid damage.


You can store the stroller for easy retrieval with minimal effort, such as in the garage or another storage area.

Indoor VS Outdoors:


It’s essential to keep the stroller inside and cover the wheels for cleanliness. Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain accessibility.


If you plan to store the stroller outside, ensure it’s in a secure location that protects it from theft or animals. Expect to clean it more often due to exposure to the elements.


Store your stroller in a stable location to minimize frequent relocation, contributing to long-term convenience and familiarity.

FAQs on Where to store stroller

How do you store a stroller long-term?

For long-term storage, use ladder hooks screwed into a garage or basement wall to elevate the stroller, preventing pests from entering. Cover the stroller with large, clean sheets to safeguard it from dust, light, and moisture.

How do you prevent rust on strollers stored outside?

Prevent rust on outdoor-stored strollers by keeping them dry and sheltered from weather conditions. Use protective measures like a bike tent, tarp, or rust-prevention products designed for stroller materials.

Where do you store the stroller at home?

Wardrobe or Cupboard:

Store the folded stroller in a wardrobe or cupboard for a tidy, dust-free environment.

Under the Bed:

You can slide the folded stroller under the bed, using the space between the bed frame and the floor.

How long is a stroller safe for?

Limit stroller use for kids past the toddler stage to encourage walking, which is crucial for muscle, bone, and heart health. Consider transitioning away from strollers between ages 3 and 4.

Where to store stroller- Wrapping Things up!

Where to store the stroller requires appropriately storing it for its longevity. Consider hygiene, security, accessibility, and environmental damage. Choose indoor or outdoor storage options and cover your stroller with clean sheets to protect against dust, light, and moisture. Remember these considerations to ensure your stroller is ready for your next adventure.

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